On Friday, October 18, 2019, the National Review published an article titled To Trump, Alliances Are Strictly Business, discussing the importance of ethical business, social and economic responsibilities, and how we approach them. Meant to shake non-Trump Conservatives, business owners, employees, and more importantly, everyone.
Jonah Goldberg holds the Asness Chair in Applied Liberty at the American Enterprise Institute. Goldberg also has been a weekly columnist for the Los Angeles Times and has a #1 New York Times bestseller book Liberal Fascism.
Goldberg argues that for Trump, “Alliance Are Strictly Business.” Given two scenarios, the reader chooses whether to lend money to the pillar of the community or the shady weasel. Even though we are given a choice, the article reads rhetorically. Herein lies the argument of the author, a person with integrity is less financially “risky” and, therefore, should be respected. Making the point that Trump talks a lot about the price of our relationships and commitments around the world. Trump's definition of national honor puts no value within our commitments regarding other nations, all while monetizing our view of them.
The argument makes sense considering the long trade war we currently find ourselves. President Trump seems to turn every foreign interaction into someway to benefit a capitalist system. It reminds me of an Aesop’s Fable, The Shepard Boy & the Wolf. America is becoming a nation that makes promises without any intention of following it to make a few dollars. We will eventually find ourselves with no allies, and our only reliance is the shady weasel.